The Enlightenment - A Novel

The Enlightenment - A Novel

In the mystical Land of Azar, a realm woven with magic and wonder, diverse creatures coexist harmoniously. From the ethereal Mermaids of Meridian to the majestic Dragons of Dragonia, Azar is a land of enchantment. The fate of Earth and its inhabitants hung in the balance, and it was the unlikely hero, Tom from Earth, who would play a crucial role. Guided by the “Three Golden Rules” of Azar, Tom learned the delicate balance of nature, the importance of unity among magical beings, and the profound connection between all living things. With the assistance of his newfound friends and a sprinkle of Azarian magic, Tom will embark on a quest to save Earth from imminent destruction. The Land of Azar, with its magical creatures, became the solution, revealing the extraordinary power that lies within the realm of the fantastical.